On October 14th SOS Primates met with Gregg Tully, executive director of PASA Primates: Pan African Sanctuary Alliance, the federation of sanctuaries and African primates rehabilitation centres; and with Montserrat Ubach, president of Darwin, for the Preservation of Marmosets and Tamarins, a rehabilitation centre for callitrichids, in Barcelona.
SOS Primates collaborates with DARWIN through Raúl Cabrera, who is in charge of relations with sanctuaries and has always received their help when it comes to sharing a stand, among others, even in some primate confiscations.
The collaboration with PASA has focused on sending several pallets of uniforms from Barcelona Zoo for the centres’ workers that make up the federation. Obtaining donations for some of these centres, we also studied other ways of collaboration at the meeting.
We want to thank Gregg Tully for devoting his time to us and valuing the work of our association for primate centres. Montserrat Ubach for her involvement with our NGO, and our team coordinated by Nausica De Gibert and Aurora Pazos, Treasurer of SOS Primates, with the help of Laura Cordonet and Estel Villanueva.