On Octo­ber 14th SOS Pri­ma­tes met with Gregg Tully, execu­ti­ve direc­tor of PASA Pri­ma­tes: Pan Afri­can Sanc­tuary Allian­ce, the fede­ra­tion of sanc­tua­ries and Afri­can pri­ma­tes reha­bi­li­ta­tion cen­tres; and with Mon­tse­rrat Ubach, pre­si­dent of Dar­win, for the Pre­ser­va­tion of Mar­mo­sets and Tama­rins, a reha­bi­li­ta­tion cen­tre for calli­tri­chids, in Barcelona.

SOS Pri­ma­tes colla­bo­ra­tes with DARWIN through Raúl Cabre­ra, who is in char­ge of rela­tions with sanc­tua­ries and has always recei­ved their help when it comes to sha­ring a stand, among others, even in some pri­ma­te confiscations.

The colla­bo­ra­tion with PASA has focu­sed on sen­ding seve­ral pallets of uni­forms from Bar­ce­lo­na Zoo for the cen­tres’ wor­kers that make up the fede­ra­tion. Obtai­ning dona­tions for some of the­se cen­tres, we also stu­died other ways of colla­bo­ra­tion at the meeting.

We want to thank Gregg Tully for devo­ting his time to us and valuing the work of our asso­cia­tion for pri­ma­te cen­tres. Mon­tse­rrat Ubach for her invol­ve­ment with our NGO, and our team coor­di­na­ted by Nau­si­ca De Gibert and Auro­ra Pazos, Trea­su­rer of SOS Pri­ma­tes, with the help of Lau­ra Cor­do­net and Estel Villa­nue­va.