Tin­gi­tin­gi, the latest orphan to arri­ve at CRPL, Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes is under­going treat­ment as he got to the cen­tre full of para­si­tes. His esti­ma­ted age is a year and a half. He does not seem to be very trau­ma­ti­sed, which leads us to belie­ve that he was only in the hands of his cap­tors for a short time.

Do you want to help SOS Pri­ma­tes with their work hel­ping pri­ma­tes? Visit our web­si­te to find out how you can help

https://sosprimates.org/wp/en/work-with-us/  / or con­tact info@sosprimates.org

One exam­ple of a cha­ri­ta­ble per­son is our friend and con­tri­bu­tor Car­la Cham­bel. She is a pri­mary school tea­cher and is always willing to lend a hand in everything, be it atten­ding fairs, orga­ni­sing events, and this sum­mer, during her holi­days, she trans­por­ted mate­rial for us so that the NGO did­n’t have trou­ble sen­ding it. Thank you very much, Car­la, for your solidarity!