Tingitingi, the latest orphan to arrive at CRPL, Lwiro Primates is undergoing treatment as he got to the centre full of parasites. His estimated age is a year and a half. He does not seem to be very traumatised, which leads us to believe that he was only in the hands of his captors for a short time.
Do you want to help SOS Primates with their work helping primates? Visit our website to find out how you can help
https://sosprimates.org/wp/en/work-with-us/ / or contact info@sosprimates.org
One example of a charitable person is our friend and contributor Carla Chambel. She is a primary school teacher and is always willing to lend a hand in everything, be it attending fairs, organising events, and this summer, during her holidays, she transported material for us so that the NGO didn’t have trouble sending it. Thank you very much, Carla, for your solidarity!