Last 9th of Octo­ber, we atten­ded the III Fair for Ani­mal Awa­re­ness in Mós­to­les (Madrid), orga­ni­sed by ASA — Aso­cia­ción por la Sen­si­bi­li­dad Ani­mal(Asso­cia­tion for Ani­mal Awareness).

Many thanks to the orga­ni­sers, espe­cially to Ana and Yvon­ne and their team, for invi­ting us to such a spe­cial event, which we are very exci­ted to attend every year. To our volun­teer team, we always say they are our grea­test trea­su­res: Nata­lia, María and Almu. And of cour­se, to all the atten­dees and peo­ple who visi­ted our stand and hel­ped us with your con­tri­bu­tions so that we can keep hel­ping the pri­ma­tes of CRPL Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes like Elik­ya Busa­ka­ra, in the photo.