SOS Pri­ma­tes is made by SOS­li­dary peo­ple, like the wood crafts­man Coqui Vega who makes beau­ti­ful objects from recy­cled wood pallets such as fur­ni­tu­re, and nest boxes, among other crafts. He par­ti­ci­pa­tes in mar­kets whe­re he gives a part of the pro­ceeds to dif­fe­rent ani­mal shel­ters (you can take a look at his Ins­ta­gram @coquihuarpe).

Yes­ter­day he was, together with the artist Mari­li­na (Ins­ta­gram @sweettrufa4) in Vilo­bí d’On­yar, Giro­na, in the fra­me of the Fira de la Pera i la Poma. They collec­ted dona­tions for our NGO, which we will use for fee­ding expen­ses of the orpha­ned pri­ma­tes of the CRPL, Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes, in DR Con­go, among which is the little Felix, in the photo.

Soon we will give you news of another exam­ple of Coqui’s generosity.

Thanks to both of you for your help!

Pho­to cre­dit : 📷 hughkinsellacunningham