Pila­rín Baye’s T‑shirt Cam­paign for SOS Pri­ma­tes beca­me a huge success.

Today we bring you the making-off. We want to thank Síl­via Bofill for her mana­ge­ment. Without her, it couldn’t have been pos­si­ble. We also thank the models, Luca and Gio (and their parents, our friends and sup­por­ters). Our thanks also go to Delia Hur­ta­do Foto­gra­fía for her pro­fes­sio­na­lism, as it is the second time she has wor­ked with us. And lastly, to Shirly Nowak for the poster. The dona­tions collec­ted will go to the orpha­ned babies’ fee­ding (pow­de­red milk) of the CRPL, Lwi­ro Primates.

Orders and more infor­ma­tion at info@sosprimates.org