On Sun­day the 24th of Octo­ber, SOS Pri­ma­tes will be in Madrid for the new Soli­dary Days orga­ni­sed by the Cani­ne Asso­cia­tion of Lega­nés. In Par­que de las More­nas, next to the Par­que­sur Mall, from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Christ­mas is just around the cor­ner so it’s a good moment to order your soli­dary pre­sents and han­di­crafts made by the women at the Heri Kwe­tu Cen­tre (Afri­ca). We’ll be wai­ting for you at our stand so you can get to know more about our work in DR Con­go. You can also get lot­tery tic­kets, and we get dona­tions for the orpha­ned chimps of the CRPL, Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes in DR Con­go, like Deo and Pin­ga in the photo.

We want to thank the orga­ni­sers for coun­ting on us and rai­sing awa­re­ness of a com­mu­nity torn by con­flict and many other hardships, and endan­ge­red animals.

See you the­re, don’t miss out!