We got some worrying news from the CRPL,  Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes. Tin­gi­tin­gi who arri­ved on the 13th of Octo­ber has got­ten con­si­de­rably wor­se in the last few days. The team has been figh­ting for more than a week, day and night, to save him.

It is so heart­brea­king that the­se ani­mals get sepa­ra­ted from their fami­lies and the envi­ron­ment in which they belong to be sold as pets. Say NO to wild ani­mals as pets, inclu­ding primates.

We ask you to send posi­ti­ve energy to this baby chimp and keep sup­por­ting us. We crea­ted this pro­ject in 2012 with the objec­ti­ve of hel­ping the reha­bi­li­ta­tion cen­tres and pri­ma­te sanc­tua­ries that fos­ter the­se ani­mals in their home countries.