Yes­ter­day, two more babies arri­ved at the cen­tre, making up 14 only this year. We wish they were the last ones to do so. They are two tiny fema­les, one two years old, and the other is around five, jud­ging by their den­ti­tion and phy­si­cal deve­lop­ment. The­se babies were snat­ched away from their fami­lies. Tho­se fami­lies have been killed par­tially or enti­rely (we know the mothers are dead as they defend their babies from being snag­ged from their laps). This pro­blem high­lights the fai­lu­re in jun­gle defen­ce, edu­ca­tion of the popu­la­tion of the nearby areas, and their access to resour­ces for survival.

The baby you see in the video was full of para­si­tes. We will soon inform you of how she progresses.

If you want to help the­se or other orpha­ned babies, you can spon­sor for only 5 euros a month.