Tomo­rrow, the 27th of Novem­ber, SOS Pri­ma­tes will be in Madrid. We will par­ti­ci­pa­te in a Soli­da­rity Day orga­ni­sed by the Aso­cia­ción Cani­na De Lega­nés of Lega­nés from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. in Par­que de las More­ras, Lega­nés (next to the Par­que­sur shop­ping mall).

With Christ­mas around the cor­ner, it’s a good time to order your soli­dary pre­sents, which could be any hand­craf­ted dolls made by the women of the Heri Kwe­tu Cen­tre (Afri­ca). We will be wai­ting for you at our stand so that you can get to know our work in DR Con­go with the CRPL, Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes. You can also ask for our 2022 calen­dar and help the bono­bos through your dona­tions, like “Kole” at the Lola ya Bono­bo Sanc­tuary, Friends of Bono­bos in DR Congo”.

We want to thank the event orga­ni­ser for coun­ting on us and rai­sing awa­re­ness for a popu­la­tion affec­ted by mili­tary con­flict and other issues. Thank you for ensu­ring visi­bi­lity for endan­ge­red ani­mals too.

Don’t miss out on this day, see you there!