Another serious threat that pri­ma­tes suf­fer is the defo­res­ta­tion of lands for self-con­sum­ption or exten­si­ve crops (human popu­la­tion in 2000 was 6 million and in 2022 it increa­sed to 8 million).

Par­ti­cu­larly, oran­gu­tans suf­fer defo­res­ta­tion for oil palm pro­duc­tion, pre­sent in more than a half of the pro­ducts that we con­su­me in our daily life( mar­ga­ri­ne, cho­co­la­te, soap, deter­gent, cos­me­tics, and a lar­ge etc.).

The num­bers for the next raf­fle, to take pla­ce the 30th of June, have already been assig­ned. Dona­tions will be des­ti­ned to the Oran­gu­tan Foun­da­tion, that aids our red-hai­red clo­se rela­ti­ves of Bor­neo and Suma­tra, like ‘Yoko’ (in the photo).

In the other ima­ge you can see the forest surroun­ded by crops from side to side of the river.

The pri­zed num­ber will be the one that mat­ches the last three digits of the 1st ONZE Raf­fle pri­ze of the cited day. Search your name, good luck and thank you to all of you who participate:

000, 001 y 146 Jose­fi­na Morillas
002, 003 y 004 Ampa­ro Oltra
005, 006 y 007 Che­lo Plaza
008 Mon­tse Martín
009 y 010 Ana Ruiz
011, 012, 106, 107 y 108 José Ramón Palomar
013, 014 y 035 Javi Cabrera
015 Marián­ge­les Huzman
016 Xevi Peypoch
017 Jose Luis López
018 Ale­jan­dro Cabrera
019 Mar­ta Argemí
020, 021 y 022 Lluï­sa Arenys
023 Iolan­da Martinez
024, 025 y 026 Almu Royán
027, 028, 029, 030, 031 Son­so­les Martín
032, 033, 034 Luis Cabrera
036, 037, 038, 039, 040 Mòni­ca Padilla
041 al 045 Mari­sa Martínez
046 al 085 Clau­dia Arrasate
086, 087, 088, 089, 090 Susan­na Sabaté
091 Mari­na Ródenas
092, 093 Jose Anto­nio Peña
094, 095, 096, 097, 098 Susa­na Alcolea
099, 100 Mari­bel Fernández
101, 102, 103 Enric Llorca
104, 105 Juan Car­los Giménez
109 Lluís Callejo
110, 111 Ire­ne Vélez
112 Tai­de Pérez
113, 114, 115 Ángel Fernández
116 Juan­Ma González
117 Qui­que Abdellah
118 y 119 Tere­sa Daza
120 y 121 Deby Reynolds
122 y 123 José Luis Cabrera
124 y 125 Jon Munárriz
126, 127, 128 Iván García
129, 130 San­ti Gentili
131 Emi López
132 Luis Mesa
133 Rubén Alcázar
134 Mery Jo Redondo
135 y 136 Yas Carbonell
137 Mer­cè Cabrera
138, 139, 140, 141, 142 Tània Puignou
143 Albert García
144 Gor­ka Sánchez
145 Sol Comino
147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154 Yas Carbonell
155 Shirly Nowak
156 y 157 Emma Marín
158 Álex Zubero
159, 160 Auro­ra Pazos
161, 162, 163, 164, 165 Gra­cie­la García
166 Raquel Mena
167, 168 Judith Soriano
169, 170 Ramón Delgado
171, 172 Jau­me Vinuesa
173, 174, 175 Jym­mi Marulanda
176, 177, 178, 179, 180 Belén Sinués
181 Cris­ti­na Bover
182 David Montañés
183 Denís Domínguez
184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189 Lui­sa Martínez
190 Álex Iriondo
191, 192 Mar­ta Santmartín
193 Juan Ureña
194 Cami­lo Iriondo
195, 196 Car­los Mosquero
197 Gema Palencia
198, 199 Este­fa­nía Chamón