Today we recei­ve with joy the accep­tan­ce of the CRPL, Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes, as an accre­di­ted cen­ter by the Glo­bal Fede­ra­tion of Ani­mal Sanc­tua­ries (GFAS).

Said accre­di­ta­tion means that CRPL ful­fills the stan­dards of ani­mal care and wel­fa­re, which are revi­sed in per­son, besi­des ful­fi­lling the ethi­cal values. It means a lot to said cen­ter, to SOS Pri­ma­tes, and to all of you who help us, becau­se it high­lights the rigo­rous and pro­fes­sio­nal work of the cen­ter we sup­port, exem­pli­fied by the sta­bi­lity of the chim­pan­zee groups, like the Pori group( in the photo).

Con­gra­tu­la­tions to the team and to tho­se who make it possible 💚

If you are thin­king about giving a gift on the­se days and wish for it to be soli­dary and ethi­cal, check out the­se nec­kla­ces made with Afri­can fabric by women with disa­bi­li­ties from Heri Kwe­tu, in the DRCon­go, for a dona­tion of 15 euros.

👉👉 More infor­ma­tion and requests at: