Last June, Auro­ra and Raúl, from the SOS Pri­ma­tes board, atten­ded a wild­li­fe con­fe­ren­ce in Madrid and took the oppor­tu­nity to deli­ver 82.45 kg of equip­ment for the staff of the ani­mal shel­ters mana­ged by the NGO Sal­van­do Pelu­dos in Madrid.

The Sal­van­do Pelu­dos Foun­da­tion finds adop­ters for dogs and cats, which they main­tain in the­se shel­ters. They also mana­ge their Sanc­tuary, whe­re they pro­vi­de a per­ma­nent home for ani­mals from ani­mal exploi­ta­tion and/or exo­tic pets that their owners aban­don as a cruel way to get rid of the­se animals.

The equip­ment, con­sis­ting of work uni­forms, warm clothing, rain­coats, glo­ves, and more, will ser­ve the work team and volun­teers to main­tain the faci­li­ties and the ani­mals hou­sed in the best pos­si­ble con­di­tions. As you know, the mate­rial is dona­ted by the Bar­ce­lo­na Zoo and mana­ged by SOS Pri­ma­tes.

If you are going to volun­teer at an ani­mal cen­ter, whether in Spain or abroad, con­tact us to colla­bo­ra­te in this sel­fless way, brin­ging advan­ta­geo­us mate­rial to cen­ters whe­re they must spa­re resour­ces to allo­ca­te them to the animals.

Thank you, Auro­ra and Raúl, for your kind ges­tu­re, and thank you to the Saving Furry Ones staff (Mari­sa, Car­men, and Car­los) for their kindness.

SOS Pri­ma­tes, besi­des hel­ping pri­ma­tes like Maka­si, also aids other ani­mals, such as the turtles that the Saving Furry Ones collea­gues are caring for.

Will you help us?

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