If You’­re Tra­ve­ling From Bar­ce­lo­na to Tene­ri­fe, Lugo, Cádiz, or Valen­cia, Plea­se Help Us The vaca­tion sea­son approa­ches; if by chan­ce you are tra­ve­ling from Bar­ce­lo­na to Tene­ri­fe, Lugo, Cádiz, or Valen­cia, plea­se get in touch with SOS Pri­ma­tes to assist us in trans­por­ting calen­dars or lot­tery tic­kets, ensu­ring that all dona­tions collec­ted go directly to the pri­ma­tes rather than to trans­por­ta­tion companies.

As you know, our refe­ren­ce cen­ter is the CRPL, Lwi­ro Pri­ma­te, loca­ted in the Demo­cra­tic Repu­blic of Con­go, which hou­ses 129 chim­pan­zees who are vic­tims of bush­meat con­sum­ption, inclu­ding Kaku­le, as seen in the photo.

This year, we sup­port the Cat Ba Lan­gur Con­ser­va­tion Pro­ject in Viet­nam through lot­tery initia­ti­ves, calen­dars, and raffles.

For more infor­ma­tion, do not hesi­ta­te to con­tact us at info@sosprimates.org.