Today, we are thri­lled to sha­re a heart­war­ming video that show­ca­ses the immen­se gra­ti­tu­de of the Ngam­ba Island Chim­pan­zee Sanc­tuary for the remar­ka­ble dona­tion of 157.6 kg of essen­tial work equip­ment from the  Zoo de Bar­ce­lo­na. This gene­rous con­tri­bu­tion will sig­ni­fi­cantly enhan­ce the efforts of the dedi­ca­ted care­gi­vers and staff who lovingly care for 52 chim­pan­zees resi­ding on a beau­ti­ful island in Lake Vic­to­ria, Uganda.
As you may remem­ber, pas­sio­na­te mem­bers and colla­bo­ra­tors of SOS Pri­ma­tes carried this mate­rial during their jour­ney to Uganda.
In the video, you’ll see Auro­ra Pazos and Raúl Cabre­ra, the secre­tary and pre­si­dent of SOS Pri­ma­tes, along­si­de the com­mit­ted per­son­nel and wor­kers at the sanc­tuary; they are all uni­ted in their mis­sion to pro­tect the­se mag­ni­fi­cent creatures.
We extend our dee­pest gra­ti­tu­de to the expe­di­tion that made this pos­si­ble, espe­cially the nine incre­di­ble team mem­bers, the Zoo, the sanc­tuary, and all of you who sup­port unwa­ve­ringly our cause.
Con­tact us if you are tra­ve­ling to coun­tries with pri­ma­te reha­bi­li­ta­tion cen­ters or other wild­li­fe faci­li­ties. Together, we can coor­di­na­te mea­ning­ful ship­ments that make a dif­fe­ren­ce.