Garamba did not overcome a respiratory infection

2024-11-13T11:17:41+01:00Tuesday, 31 December, 2019|

On 23 December we shared our Christmas card... the next day we had very bad news. As you know, at the CRPL, Lwiro Primates have been fighting for weeks against a strong respiratory infection of viral origin that has affected many of the chimpanzees. It is not uncommon at this time of year for viruses [...]


Christmas Solidary lottery

2024-11-13T11:13:32+01:00Tuesday, 24 December, 2019|

The SOSlidary raffle to collaborate in the feeding and rehabilitation of the little orphans of the CRPL, Lwiro Primates, such as "Mara'' and "Felix", in the photo. The prize includes: -Original large African mask -Chimpanzee plush toy -Tagine of the Barbary macaque project (Morocco), spices included -Minions children's T-shirt -Garfield key ring -Sandals -2 Primate [...]


Solidary Christmas Animal Adoption Days

2024-11-13T11:15:39+01:00Sunday, 22 December, 2019|

This month we were also at the Jornadas Solidarias Navideñas de Adopción Animal organised by the Asociación Canina De Leganés and the Ayuntamiento de Leganés with an information stand and a workshop to make bookmarks for the little ones. Many thanks to the organisation, especially to Juan Carlos, and of course to our volunteers, María [...]


Micos: a history of primates

2024-11-13T11:07:58+01:00Saturday, 21 December, 2019|

A few days ago we were at the Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona visiting the exhibition "Micos: una història de primates", which shows us the great diversity of species, our kinship, behaviour and most importantly, how we can help to save them from extinction. Featuring 60 naturalised specimens by specialists from the National Museum [...]


Tomorrow’s Christmas lottery draw

2024-11-13T11:04:48+01:00Saturday, 21 December, 2019|

Tomorrow is the Christmas lottery in which we have made our debut with a lottery from SOS Primates to get donations for Lwiro Primates, where orphans from the consumption of jungle meat, like "Felix", in the photo, are still being received. We participated with the number 73.718, which was given to us by the lottery [...]
